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National Bank of Cambodia Reviews Financial System’s Performance in First Half

The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) held a semi-annual assembly to review the working results of the first semester and set forth work direction for the second semester of 2024.

The semi-annual assembly was held under the presidency of NBC Governor H.E. Dr. Chea Serey on July 19, 2024 at the NBC’s Sen Sok Building with the participation of about 330 officials.

The purpose of this assembly was to celebrate and widely disseminate the NBC’s work results in the first half of the year and the main work direction for the second half to continue achieving greater achievement for the banking system as well as the Cambodian economy as a whole.

During the assembly, H.E. Dr. Governor addressed on the evolution of the global economic situation, the region, and the Cambodia economy.

H.E. Dr. Chea Serey also highlighted the low level of inflation and the stability of the Riel exchange rate against the U.S. dollar, as well as the continuous development of the Bakong payment system and activities to promote the use of K
hmer Riel and financial inclusion.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse