Cambodia News Gazette



Seoul’s Seocho district to lift restrictions on big-box stores’ biz hours

SEOUL, Seoul’s Seocho district office has decided to lift administrative restrictions on the business hours of big-box stores operating in the district, becoming the first municipality to do so, officials said Monday.

Under the 2012 revision of the Distribution Industry Development Act, heads of municipalities are mandated to limit the business hours of big-box stores in their regions to the 8 a.m.-midnight time frame and designate two weekend days or official holidays of every month as off days for these big discount stores.

The 2012 revision was designed to help traditional markets and small corner stores survive fierce competition with the larger rivals.

Since the government’s decision early this year to push for a law revision to lift such regulations, a growing number of regional governments have been easing such restrictions, beginning in areas where a legal revision is unnecessary.

The Seocho district office in southern Seoul said Monday it has issued an administrative notice, informing residents
of the expanded business hours for big-box marts, which will take effect in July.

Under the revision, large-scale grocery businesses will be permitted to operate around the clock, except for one hour between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.

Seocho is the first municipality that has relaxed the business hour restriction for such stores.

In early 2024, the district also relaxed the requirement for big-box stores to close for two days every month, either on weekends or national holidays, by permitting such businesses to choose two weekdays for the mandatory two-day closure. Seocho was also the first municipality to implement this deregulation at that time.

The district office plans to implement the latest deregulation by completing the necessary procedures.

The decision is expected to benefit four big-box discount stores located in Seocho and 33 other large-scale grocery stores.

The office expects the deregulation to improve conveniences for residents, adding that it will focus on ensuring that the latest action could bo
ost the local economy and job creation in the district.

Source: Yonhap News Agency