COVID-19: Cambodia Detects 3 More Omicron Imported Cases

The Ministry of Health this morning announced the detection of 3 new cases of COVID-19, pointed out its press release, stressing that they are all imported Omicron cases.
Cambodia’s tally jumped to 120,510, including 19,926 imported cases, of which 69 are Omicron cases.
Fortunately, there were 11 new recoveries and a new death case; bringing the total cured and death cases to 116,940 and 3,013, respectively.
The first COVID-19 case was reported in Cambodia in late January 2020 in Preah Sihanouk province.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

Cambodia’s Rice Export To China Exceeds 300,000 Tonnes For First Time Last Year

– Cambodia’s rice export to China surpassed 300,000 tonnes for the first time in 2021, marking another historic milestone in the rice sector, between the two countries, according to a report from the China Certification & Inspection Group (CCIC)’s Cambodia branch, yesterday.
The country exported 306,222 tonnes of milled rice to China last year, an increase of 22.8 percent from 249,322 tonnes, a year earlier, Chen Qisheng, general manager of CCIC’s Cambodia branch, said.
Chen said, the growth has subsequently increased from about 5,000 tonnes in 2012, to more than 300,000 tonnes last year, the highest first time ever in a year.
“With strong support from China, Cambodia’s rice production and processing industry has made great progress,” he said.
Chen said, apart from rice, Cambodia first exported fresh bananas and fresh mangoes to China in 2019 and 2021, respectively, and the two countries have been working together to enable the export of Cambodian longan fruit to China in the near future.
As the China-Cambodia Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) entered into force yesterday, Chen believed that, the two pacts will further boost Cambodia’s socio-economic development, especially in agriculture.
“These agreements will provide tremendous benefits to import and export enterprises in Cambodia, especially the agricultural ones,” he said.
“With the two agreements, in addition to export to China, Cambodia’s high-quality agricultural products, such as rice, bananas, mangoes, fragrant coconuts, and cashews can also be exported to Japan, South Korea, Singapore, etc., which will effectively promote enterprises to improve efficiency and sustainable development,” Chen added.

Source: NAM News Network

COVID-19: 14 Omicron Imported Cases Recorded

AKP Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s Ministry of Health detected 14 new cases of COVID-19, according to its press release this morning, stressing that they are all imported Omicron cases.
The tally now rose to 120,507, including 19,923 imported cases, of which 66 are Omicron cases.
Fortunately, there were 12 new recoveries and no new death cases; bringing the total cured and death cases to 116,929 and 3,012, respectively.
The first COVID-19 case was reported in Cambodia in late January 2020 in Preah Sihanouk province.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

Covid-19: WHO optimistic about beating coronavirus in 2022

GENEVA, The World Health Organization (WHO) chief says he is optimistic that the coronavirus pandemic will be defeated in 2022, provided countries work together to contain its spread.
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu warned against “narrow nationalism and vaccine hoarding” in a New Year statement.
His comments come two years since the WHO was first notified of cases of an unknown pneumonia strain in China.
Global Covid cases now stand at 287m, while nearly 5.5m people have died.
Across the world, people are marking the New Year but celebrations are muted, with many countries wanting to discourage crowds gathering.
Coronavirus remains part of daily life: a disease that has shut borders, split families and in some places made it unthinkable to leave the house without carrying a mask.
Despite all this, Dr Tedros sounded a positive note in his speech, noting that there are now many more tools to treat Covid-19.
But he warned that continuing inequity in vaccine distribution was increasing the risk of the virus evolving.
“Narrow nationalism and vaccine hoarding by some countries have undermined equity and created the ideal conditions for the emergence of the Omicron variant, and the longer inequity continues, the higher the risks of the virus evolving in ways we can’t prevent or predict,” he said.
In his comments, Dr Tedros also alluded to low vaccination rates.
While most of the population in Europe and the Americas have received at least one dose, a WHO target of full vaccination rates in 40% of every country by the end of 2021 has been missed across most of Africa.
Dr Tedros has previously criticised wealthier nations for “gobbling up” the global vaccine supply, fully vaccinating much of their populations while others wait for their first doses.
The WHO has set a new goal for 2022: vaccinate 70% of people in all countries by July to end the pandemic.

Source: Nam News Network

DPRK Concludes Party Plenary Session, Vowing To Focus On Economic Development

PYONGYANG, The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), ended its key party plenary session yesterday, with focus on rural development and economic issues, it was reported today.
During the five-day fourth Plenary Meeting of the eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the participants reviewed last year’s policy accomplishments, and set the direction of 2022 policies, focused on ways to develop the country’s economy and improve the people’s livelihoods, the report said.
The plenary meeting was convened in the historic period, when the entire Party, the whole country and all the people, confidently move towards the next stage and struggle for the overall development of socialist construction, it said.
Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, said, 2021 was “a year of great victory” that opened up a prelude to the great change towards the overall development of socialist construction, despite severe trials, with special achievements in the agricultural field.
On the work for 2022, Kim said, the main task “is to provide a sure guarantee for the implementation of the five-year plan and bring about a remarkable change in the state development and the people’s standard of living.”
The economic sector, the main front of socialist construction, should concentrate all its efforts on putting the country’s economy on the growth orbit, and providing the stabilised and improved living to the people, by reenergising production and pushing ahead with the adjustment and improvement, the report added.
The country put the antivirus efforts as “the most important” issue of the country, according to the report, saying, Kim highlighted that the emergency epidemic prevention work should be made a top priority and it is the most important work to be powerfully conducted with no allowance given to slight slackness, pores and drawback.
In his speech, Kim also mentioned the “growing instability” of the military situation on the peninsula, and emphasised the importance of boosting the country’s defence capabilities.

Source: Nam News Network