GUA MUSANG, Gua Musang will be made one of the economic centres of Kelantan following its strategic position and connectivity to Kuala Lumpur, Perak and Terengganu.

Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Datuk Dr Mohamed Fadzli Hassan said this was in line with the state government’s mission to develop a number of new towns that function to change the economic landscape in the area.

He said Gua Musang is one of the most rapidly developing districts and has a good strategic route for a stopover before going to Kuala Lumpur and Kota Bharu.

“Besides, we want to develop several new towns including Tunjong, Tok Bali, Lojing and the Gua Musang urban area,” he told reporters after officiating the G-Orange Supermarket in Bandar Utama, here, today.

Mohamed Fadzli said the economic situation will be better after the construction of the Central Spine Road (CSR) is completed and even this district will be the focus because of its position in Kelantan.

“We expect state government agencies to play an important role in efforts
to develop the local economy,” he said.

According to him, the existence of the third branch of G-Orange Supermarket which he officiated today can be a catalyst for economic growth because the premises involved provide about 500 job opportunities to the local community.

“This is a good and healthy competition and it benefits the people. We in the state government work together with the federal government and entrepreneurs to benefit the people.

“Therefore, I advise the people who get job opportunities to carry out their responsibilities well while showing high commitment in the tasks given,” he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency