Cambodia News Gazette




MAKKAH, Any changes to the return flight schedule of hajj pilgrims will only be made if it is related to issues concerning women’s fiqh and health, said Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) Makkah operations director Rozila Omar Ali.

She said the return flight schedule was usually arranged way before the pilgrims’ departure to the Holy Land.

‘Usually we will receive requests for changes to the flight schedule due to issues concerning women’s fiqh that require a later (flight)… this is one of the cases that we will give due consideration.

‘Whether the female hajj pilgrim will be accompanied by her mahram or not, it depends on the application. However, so far we have yet to receive any application as it is still in the early stages,’ she told the media at the TH headquarters in Makkah here recently.

During the days of Tasyriq on the 11th, 12th and 13th day of Zulhijjah, after casting pebbles at three jamarats namely Suhgra, Wusta, and Kubra, a pilgrim must perform the tawaf and the female pilgrim must be clean from
menses before performing the ritual.

If they are still in a state of impurity when the return flight date arrives, then they can contact the maktab management to consider changing the return flight schedule because it is mandatory to perform the tawaf which is one of the pillars of hajj.

She said consideration will also be given to pilgrims who are unwell or are receiving treatment at the TH treatment centre or any hospital in Saudi Arabia based on the recommendations made by medical officers.

‘Any other requirements will be assessed on a case-by-case basis because if this application is opened it will have an impact on management as flight schedule is done optimally, to ensure that the overall cost is effectively addressed.

‘If there are too many movements it will have an impact on other arrangements, so we do not encourage it, we only give priority to certain cases,” she said.

She said if there is an urgent need, the application will be discussed at the maktab and management level and if there is no re
ason, the application will usually be declined.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency