Cambodia News Gazette



National Assembly Advisory Council Shares Insights at ASEAN Defence and Security Institutions Meeting

Chairman of the Advisory Council of the National Assembly of Cambodia H.E. Dr. Chheang Vannarith delivered a keynote speech at the Track II Network of ASEAN Defence and Security Institutions (NADI) Meeting held from Sept. 18 to 21, 2024 in Siem Reap province.

The event, themed ‘Emerging Security Architecture in Asia-Pacific: Assessment of Implications and Recommendations for ASEAN,’ gathered approximately 50 representatives from ASEAN countries and participants from Cambodia’s Ministry of National Defence.

In his address, H.E. Dr. Vannarith highlighted significant geopolitical trends, including rising geopolitical rivalries, a strategic trust deficit, economic fragmentation, declining multilateralism, and a clash of civilisations.

He noted that increasing geopolitical risks are making the world more complex and volatile, with the Asia-Pacific region at the heart of global power shifts and currently at a critical juncture.

He emphasised the need to build strategic trust, enhance inclusive multilateralism,
and maintain a rules-based international order.

‘We need to build strategic trust, enhance inclusive multilateralism, and uphold a rules-based international order,’ he said.

ASEAN plays a pivotal role in shaping the regional order by promoting trust, norms, peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, and shared interests, he stressed, calling for the maintenance of ASEAN’s convening and normative power, supported by dialogue partners.

Within the context of the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) and ADMM-Plus, Dr. Vannarith urged the need to mitigate and reduce the risks of over-politicisation and over-securitisation of regional security issues.

The meeting provided a platform for robust discussions on the emerging security challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and the role of ASEAN in addressing these issues effectively.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse