NIBONG TEBAL, Polling for the Sungai Bakap state by-election, which is taking place this Saturday, will see at least one of its elderly voters in an attire usually reserved for festive occasions.

Selasiah Razak, 88, affectionately known as Tok Siah, said elections are special occasions that allow her to dress up, not unlike Hari Raya celebrations.

The octogenarian who enjoys wearing the old kebaya that she made herself said she has never missed an opportunity to fulfil her responsibility as a voter since the first general election in 1955.

‘In the old days, people liked to dress up when attending gatherings or celebrations. I enjoy sewing my clothes for such occasions, but back then, there were no (sewing) machines, so everything had to be done manually.

‘So, I want to wear yellow (kebaya) for this election to make it more festive. I’ve already ironed it,’ she told Bernama when met at her home in Kampung Changkat Dain, Sungai Jawi, recently.

Selasiah, one of the 580 voters aged 80 and above in the Sunga
i Bakap constituency, said she plans to wake up as early as possible on polling day to cast her vote at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Duri.

‘If my health permits, my grandchild will take me. I don’t mind if we have to go on a motorcycle as long as I can vote,’ she said.

She said that polling day was a festive occasion in the past, adding that the ‘Marilah Mengundi’ song filled the airwaves and television broadcasts combined with the distribution of flyers promoting candidates.

‘It was fun. Now it is not as fun, maybe because too many leaders (contesting), they keep changing,’ she said while reminding the younger generation not to take lightly the responsibility of determining the country’s future through the ballot box.

The by-election is a straight fight between Pakatan Harapan candidate Dr Joohari Ariffin and Perikatan Nasional candidate Abidin Ismail following the death of PAS incumbent Nor Zamri Latiff on May 24 due to stomach inflammation.

The Sungai Bakap state constituency has 39,279 registered voters
, consisting of 39,222 regular voters and 57 policemen. The largest group of voters is aged between 21 and 29.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency