
Perak Flood Situation Eases, Relief Centres Consolidating

IPOH — The flood crisis in Perak shows signs of abating, with the number of displaced individuals decreasing and the closure of one relief center.

According to BARNAMA News Agency, The Perak Disaster Management Committee (JPBN) secretariat stated that the evacuee count has fallen, with 276 persons from 76 families now housed across four relief centers, down from 353 individuals from 103 families earlier in the day. The Kampung Kuak Luar community hall in Hulu Perak has been closed after safely relocating its 41 evacuees from 14 families.

Currently, the remaining evacuees are distributed among several locations in Kerian and Hilir Perak. The SK Changkat Lobak and SK Alor Pongsu schools are providing shelter for some, while others are at the Padang Tembak multipurpose hall and the Teluk Intan Municipal Council Hall.

In its report, the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (JPS) noted that the water levels in Sungai Bidor at Changkat Jong and Sungai Kinta at Weir Tanjung Tualang are still above the normal threshold, prompting continued vigilance.

The Public Works Department (JKR) has advised that due to landslides, Jalan Kubu Gajah Ijok-Sumpitan in Selama remains impassable, with alternative routes suggested. For Kerian, the FT 147 Jalan Selama is currently restricted to heavy vehicles only, with a detour available through route A111 from Alor Pongsu-Bukit Merah.