

KUALA LUMPUR, The leading mini-market chain, 99 Speed Mart Sdn Bhd, is continuing its tradition of helping the less fortunate and asnaf groups by distributing 10,000 food kits worth RM500,000 to ease their burden in celebrating Aidilfitri.

Chief operating officer Yong Eng Kwang said this is the eighth time the company, known for its slogan ‘Dekat Lagi Murah’ (Closer, Cheaper), has done so.

He said the contribution is a token of appreciation from 99 Speed Mart to Malaysians for supporting the company, apart from assisting those in need of household essentials, especially during the festive season.

“We are always aware of the needs of the Malaysian people during the month of Ramadan and approaching Syawal. We believe that such assistance will not only bring joy but also reduce the burden of recipients, most of whom are from the B40 group.

“They always consider 99 Speed Mart as their choice, so this is not just a donation but also our responsibility to Malaysians.

“Hopefully, with the distribution of food
kits by 99 Speed Mart, it will further enhance the celebration of 1 Syawal while strengthening the bond of friendship,” he said.

According to Yong, the food kits containing items such as biscuits, sugar, sweet drinks, wheat flour and coconut milk are given to several ministries and the relevant state Islamic religious authorities to be distributed to the asnaf in their respective areas.

Today, 99 Speed Mart handed over 500 food kits to the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Department (JAWI) at a brief ceremony at the JAWI headquarters here.

JAWI director-general Col Datuk Mohd Ajib Ismail, who was present at the handing-over ceremony, said the food kits would be distributed under the JAWI Food Bank programme.

“The JAWI Food Bank is a programme that distributes various contributions obtained from various parties, including private companies.

“Alhamdulillah, together with 99 Speed Mart, we can provide assistance to those in need ahead of Aidilfitri,” he said.

A similar presentation of aid was held toget
her with the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry (KPWKM) in conjunction with KPWKM’s target group breaking of fast at Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheras on March 25.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency