Cambodia Exports Over 53,000 Tonnes of Milled Rice in First Month

Cambodia shipped some 53,036 tonnes of milled rice in the first month of this year, netting US$35.72 million.

The update was shared yesterday by the Cambodian Rice Federation (CRF), indicating that the exported amount saw an increased by 54.75 percent compared to the same period in 2021.

China remains the biggest market importing 31,181 tonnes or 58.79 percent of Cambodian milled rice, followed by 16 EU countries and 3 ASEAN nations buying 12,542 tonnes and 6,277 tonnes of the product respectively.

The rest 3,072 tonnes or 5.52 percent of the milled rice, were shipped to 13 other destinations.

Additionally, the country exported some 275,511 tonnes of paddy rice to neighbouring countries, generating US$60.61 million.

In 2021, a total of 617.069 tonnes of Cambodian milled rice worth US$418 million were exported to China, 24 EU countries and 7 ASEAN member states. The Kingdom also sold about 3.53 million tonnes of paddy rice with an estimated price of US$846 million to neighbouring countries, mainly Vietnam.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

COVID-19: New Omicron Cases Jump to 66

A total of 66 new cases of COVID-19, all of Omicron variant, were recorded, of them 64 were locally transmitted and 2 were imported, according to a press release of the Ministry of Health made public this morning.

Cambodia’s COVID-19 tally thus rose to 121,550, including 1,097 Omicron cases (606 Omicron community cases), the same source pointed out.

Meanwhile, it added, up to 98 new recoveries were announced, while zero new death was reported for 31 days in a row; therefore the total cured and death cases stood at 117,918 and 3,015, respectively.

The first COVID-19 case was detected in Cambodia in late January 2020 in Preah Sihanouk province.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

Cabinet Ministers Approve Draft Law on Plant Protection and Phytosanitary Measures

The draft law on plant protection and phytosanitary measure was endorsed by the cabinet ministers in their weekly plenary session held here at the Peace Palace this morning under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen.

The draft law was fully approved by the cabinet meeting, said H.E. Phay Siphan, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister and Chairman of Royal Government Spokesperson Unit (RGSU), on his official Facebook page this morning.

According to the RGSU chairman, the draft law was elaborated based on the policies and strategies of the Royal Government and in accordance with the relevant legal basis in force in the Kingdom, as well as with regional and international agreements and conventions on plant protection and phytosanitary measures to respond to the growing trends of the agricultural sector within the framework of food security, quality improvement of agricultural produce, agricultural export augmentation, and sustainable development in the context of competitive global economic integration.

The draft law sets out the management of plant health; implementation of plant protection measures and phytosanitary measures; protection of all kinds of plant resources; prevention of the spread of pests; enhancement of agricultural productivity, food security, hygiene, quality and safety of agricultural products as well as phytosanitary security of plants, plant products and goods that are subject to phytosanitary inspection; trade facilitation; and so on, pointed out H.E. Phay Siphan.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

Cambodia’s Exports to Japan Reach US$1,752 Million in 2021

Cambodia exported US$1,752 million worth of goods to Japan last year, a year-on-year increase of 8.4 percent, according to data from the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), adding that two-way trade rose to US$2,332 million.

The Kingdom’s imports from this East Asian nation were valued at US$580 million, up 19.7 percent, said the report issued this week.

JETRO listed garments and electrical and electronic components as key Cambodian exports to Japan; and machinery, electronics and high-tech products as the main imports.

In a meeting with Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia on Tuesday, H.E. Fumiaki Takahashi, President of the Japan-Cambodia Association and former Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia, said he will lead a delegation of Japanese investors to Cambodia to seek investment opportunities.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

His Majesty the King: Motto of Beijing Winter Olympics Reflects Common Aspiration of Human Society

The motto of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, “Together for a Shared Future,” reflects the common aspiration of the human society to jointly overcome global challenges, His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia said in a written interview with Chinese News Agency Xinhua on Wednesday.

“The words reflect the necessity for the world to work together towards a better tomorrow, especially given the difficulties faced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said in the interview ahead of his attendance at the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

The motto also demonstrates “unity and a collective effort, embodying the core values and vision of the Olympic movement, as well as the goal of pursuing world unity, peace and progress,” the His Majesty the King said, adding that the motto also represents the key values of the Paralympic Games and the role the Games plays in contributing to a more inclusive society.

The monarch stressed that being committed to creating a good competitive environment, China will provide all the necessary services and support for the athletes.

The Chinese people have the ability to “deliver a splendid event to the world,” he said, adding that the hospitality of the Chinese people is going to leave a deep impression on athletes competing in the Games.

Regarding relations between the two countries, the monarch said Cambodia and China have been old friends with close ties at all levels since the historic meeting between late King-Father Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk and former Chinese Premier H.E. Zhou Enlai at the Bandung Conference in Indonesia in 1955.

“The ironclad friendship between Cambodia and China keeps growing from strength to strength over more than six decades,” he said.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, he said China sent medical experts and supplies to Cambodia, adding that over 90 percent of vaccines Cambodia has secured were from China.

“That’s priority partner and community with shared future in live action,” His Majesty the King said. “Our cooperation is booming despite the pandemic.”

Bilateral trade has been growing rapidly, said the monarch. Early this year, a free trade agreement signed by the two countries came into effect, which extends across a wide range of sectors, including trade, tourism, investment, transportation and agriculture.

“It is my wish that with the establishment of a close and strong cooperation between our two brotherly peoples, we will succeed towards building a shared future, thus contributing to peace, stability, development and prosperity in our region,” said His Majesty Norodom Sihamoni.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press