
Cambodian and Chinese Top Leaders Exchange Congratulatory Messages

Cambodian and Chinese top leaders have exchanged their congratulatory messages on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the People’s Republic of China.

They recalled the long history of traditional friendship, which was forged and cultivated by the Late King- Father of Cambodia, His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah NORODOM SIHANOUK “Preah Borom Ratanak Kaudh”, and Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai as well as further promoted by later generations of the leaders of the two countries, and spoke highly of the excellent bond which was upgraded to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Cooperation in 2010 and a Community with a Shared Future in 2019, and developed into an ironclad friendship centered on the principle of profound political trust and win-win cooperation.

“In the face of ongoing changes of the global situation, I am absolutely confident that Cambodia-China ties of friendship will remain robust and continue to develop concrete win-win cooperation while carrying forward the most treasured ironclad friendship through the coming generations. Cambodia will continue to uphold the One-China Policy, support the Belt and Road Initiative and jointly work with China to deepen cooperation in various fields for the interests of our two peoples and countries as well as for peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and beyond,” wrote His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia in a royal message to Chinese President H.E. Xi Jinping.

In reply, H.E. Xi Jinping acknowledged that China-Cambodia Diamond Cooperation has grown in depth and scope, registering progress on “Industrial and Technological Corridor” and “Fish and Rice Corridor”, while developing fruitful results with “China-Cambodia Friendship Year” to celebrate 65 years of diplomatic ties. “I attach great importance to development of China-Cambodia relations and stand ready to make joint efforts with Your Majesty to deliver more success and tangible benefits to the two peoples,” he said.

For his part, in his message to his Chinese counterpart H.E. Li Qiang, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, said his unplanned visit to Beijing in early 2020 amid the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, in order to demonstrate Cambodia’s firm political support and encouragement for the Chinese government and people, and China’s timely and substantial support for Cambodia in the fight against the pandemic were a clear test of the strength of our solidarity and ironclad friendship particularly in times of hardship.

“I also note with deep satisfaction of our fruitful cooperation in economic sphere, which has greatly benefited our two countries and peoples. Apart from being Cambodia’s major trading partner, China is currently a main driver of foreign direct investment and a key contributor of development assistance. I am proud that our Free Trade Agreement which entered into force in 2022 has enormously boosted bilateral trade and investment flow. In this spirit, Cambodia stands ready to work closely with China to increase our trade volume to US$ 15 billion by 2025 as our agreed target,” he added.

The Cambodian Premier took the opportunity to thank China for always extending steadfast support and assistance for long-term development in line with the Kingdom’s characteristics, and expressed his firm confidence that with joint efforts, the bilateral cooperation will continue to grow and flourish in both depth and scope in the years to come.

In response, H.E. Li Qiang reaffirmed his readiness to work with Samdech Prime Minister to promote closer collaboration among various sectors and localities of the two countries, with a view to developing more fruitful results through closer China-Cambodia Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse