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COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage: More Than Half of Cambodia’s Total Population Get First Dose

Nearly 51 percent of Cambodia’s total population of 16 million people have got their first jab of COVID-19 vaccines, as of Aug. 8.
According to the National Ad-hoc Commission for COVID-19 Vaccination, for the target of 10 million adults, 7,872,892 or 78.73 percent have received their first dose, among them, 5,785,077 have completely been vaccinated.
For the vaccination campaign of the under-18s which was launched on Aug. 1, 279,077 obtained their first jab, or 14.19 percent of the target of about 2 million.
On Aug. 8, the third dose or booster dose campaign for frontline workers in the provinces bordering Thailand was kicked off. On the first day of the campaign, 12,457 people were injected.
Members of the diplomatic corps, staff of UN agencies and international organisations and their family members were among the vaccinated people.
The goal of Cambodia is to vaccinate about 80 percent of the total population. Recently, Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen has affirmed that “at all costs, we will look for ways to find vaccines for all Cambodians reaching the age of vaccination and being allowed to get vaccinated by the medical team.”
Cambodia has now about 21.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines in stock through purchases and donations: 7.2 million doses of Sinopharm, 11.5 million doses of Sinovac, 1,739,000 doses of AstraZeneca, and 1,064,600 doses of Johnson & Johnson.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press