Cambodia News Gazette




The family of Muhammad Fikri Saliman, 24, who is still missing in the Jeram Air Putih water surge tragedy in Chukai, Terengganu, are hoping for a miracle for his safe return.

His brother Shahrizal Saliman, 40, said the incident feels like a nightmare and the family did not think it would be the last time when they saw him during Hari Raya Aidiladha, last Thursday morning.

“As his next of kin, we just want to know what happened to him,” he told reporters at his residence in Kampung Parit Kuda, Semerah here today.

He said the family only learned of the incident involving Muhammad Fikri and the family of his fiancee Putri Balqis Izzati Abdul Rahman, 18, through a cousin of theirs about noon yesterday.

“My brother had just recovered from a fever and left for the waterfall by motorcycle. He told us he would be back on Saturday or Sunday as he was working on Monday,” he said.

Shahrizal said he would be leaving for Terengganu tonight with a few congregants from the Kampung Parit Kuda mosque to help search for his missing brother.

The water surge tragedy, which occurred on Saturday, involved nine victims from one family and Muhammad Fikri.

Six bodies have been found so far, with another four still missing, police said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency