Cambodia News Gazette



Malaysia to Ramp Up Cyber Security Workforce by 2025

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has announced that Malaysia requires at least 25,000 workers in the cyber security field by 2025. This announcement comes amidst a growing need for enhanced cyber security measures in the country.

According to BERNAMA News Agency, Currently, the Malaysian market is estimated to have only 13,000 cyber security professionals. Recognizing the critical shortfall, the government is prioritizing the increase in the number, capacity, and ability of professionals and skilled workers in this field. This move is essential to strengthen the national cyber security ecosystem.

The text of Anwar’s speech, emphasizing the necessity of collaboration between the government, educational institutions, and industry players, was read by Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan at a Capacity Development Programme and Public Dialogue Session on the Cyber Security Bill. This initiative, launched in collaboration with the National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA), higher education institutions, and industry players, aims to bolster Malaysia’s cyber security readiness, capability, and efficiency.