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More Cambodians Return from Myanmar

Another group of Cambodians who had completed their mission and been stuck in Myanmar have returned home with the coordination of the Royal Embassy of Cambodia in Yangon.
“Today, the embassy’s team assist another group of Cambodian nationals to return back home via a relief flight arranged by the Myanmar Government to repatriate their citizens from Cambodia,” said the embassy in a statement.
This 6th relief flight will also bring back about 140 Myanmar citizens from Cambodia, it added.
According to the same source, as of today, the embassy has jointly collaborated with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar and the Embassy of Myanmar in Phnom Penh in arranging 6 relief flights and 2 charter flights with a total of 183 Cambodians, including 50 monks and 3 nuns.
At the same time, 76 Cambodian people and students, who have been stuck in India, are scheduled to arrive in Cambodia this afternoon on a special flight.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, the Royal Embassy of Cambodia in India has coordinated the repatriation of 217 Cambodian people, monks and students from India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press