
Over 14 Tonnes of Illicit Drug Confiscated in 2022

Cambodia national police has confiscated over 14 tonnes of illicit drug in 2022.

The update was shared by H.E. Ke Kim Yan, Deputy Prime Minister and President of the National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD) in a meeting to review the results of drug control in Phnom Penh on Mar. 22.

In 2022, competent authorities cracked down on 6,390 cases of illicit drug crimes, arresting 15,002 suspects, he added.

Despite the achievement, illegal drug use and trafficking in the region and the world remain high –a trend that could potentially affect Cambodia.

The deputy prime minister continued that the Royal Government of Cambodia is committed and working hard in preventing and cracking down on all offenses and drug-related crimes.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse