
PM and Spouse Visit Victims of Sexual Assaults and Trafficking of AFESIP

Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and his spouse Samdech Kittiprittpundit Bun Rany Hun Sen spent their first day of the New Year with the victims of sexual assaults and trafficking at the Tom Dy Centre of AFESIP-Cambodia in Phnom Penh.
At the same time, they presided over the inauguration ceremony of the centre’s three-storey building of 40 rooms, whose construction was funded by the Premier and his spouse.
The centre is situated in village 24, Sangkat Prey Sar, Khan Dangkor. It is providing psychological treatments and vocational training to the girls and women who are victims of sexual assaults and trafficking. There are currently 32 staff, about 80 percent of them were former victims, and 148 victims in the centre.
Established in 1996, AFESIP-Cambodia is an NGO working actively on caring for and securing the rights of victims or at risk of being victims of sexual trafficking, violence, abuse or indentured slavery and exploitation and to successfully recover, getting education/training and reintegrate them into mainstream society through financial independence in a sustainable and innovative manner.
According to Ms. Mam Somaly, Founder and Director of AFESIP-Cambodia, the centre has so far assisted some 7,000 victims of sexual assaults and trafficking.
Samdech Techo and Samdech Kittiprittpundit have been paying high attention to their well-being and their rehabilitation by providing 1,200 kg of milled rice and 10 million Riel (US$2,500) for meals to the centre monthly, and 100,000 Riel (US$25) to each victim each month.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press