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Senior Justice Official Explains Legal Aspects on Dr. Kem Ley’s Death Case

H.E. Chin Malin, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice and Vice President of Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) has explained legal aspects related to the death of Dr. Kem Ley.

The explanation was posted yesterday on his official Facebook page, underlining that the state has the obligation to investigate and seek legal justice, but not basing on emotional and political ground as demanded by politically motivated groups, on the death of Dr. Kem Ley.

For such a criminal case, he continued, if any concerned sides cannot accept the court’s decision, they can use their legal rights to appeal with a strong legal base, argument and testimony.

He urged the complaining groups to abide by their right and not to make baseless political statements to accuse, criticise, demean and doubt the authorities.

The demanded establishment of an independent commission with participating foreign experts to investigate the cases is contrary to the constitution and laws of Cambodia, he said.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press