Cambodia News Gazette




The body of a boy believed to have drowned was found floating in the Sungai Bernam near here at 12.35 pm today.

Muallim district police chief Supt Mohd Hasni Mohd Nasir said the body of Edward Grang Jenggut, 8, was found by a tracker dog during a search and rescue (SAR) mission at the river near Teratak River View Lubuk Hantu, Simpang Empat.

“Today the rescue team focused on water surface searching techniques and we have found the body of the victim stuck near a tree in the water about 7.3 km from the location where he was reported missing,” he told Bernama when met here today.

He said the body was taken to Slim River Hospital for identification by the next of kin.

The victim’s cousin, Martinus Anak Tanjong, 33, said Edward’s father had told him that his son had wanted to bathe in the river for a year so during the school holidays they took the opportunity to fulfill his dream with his extended family.

“We arrived here last Friday but we decided to bathe in the river the following day. When the incident happened at about 4 pm, Edward and I were bathing together but I was not facing him.

“When I turned around, he had gone missing. I didn’t hear any splashing of water or screams asking for help. There were also many people bathing in the area,” he told Bernama when met at the rescue team’s control post here today.

Martinus said he searched for the victim around the area but failed and immediately told the victim’s father and they called the fire department for help.

“We are grateful that the victim was found today,” he said adding that the victim was a good and obedient boy and that they would often bathe in the river because of its clear and shallow waters.

“We have come here about three times, but we always bathe at the upper side and want to try the lower side this time,” he said.

Edward’s relatives had been allowed to be at the scene of the incident for the past four days and were supplied with provisions by the SAR team.

The victim’s parents were taken to identify the body at Slim River Hospital.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency