Cambodia News Gazette



Cambodia Attends G20 MCWE 2022 in Indonesia

A Cambodian delegation led by H.E. Dr. Ing Kantha Phavi, Minister of Women’s Affairs has been in Indonesia to attend the G20 Ministerial Conference on Women’s Empowerment (MCWE) 2022 being held from Aug. 24 to 26 in Bali.

The meeting is crucial for the participants to share lesson learned and exchange experience on strengthening women’s role after the COVID-19 crisis, as well as the way forward.

Addressing the function, H.E. Dr. Ing Kantha Phavi shared Cambodia’s measures, policies, initiatives and opportunities in reducing the digital gender gap, and increase women’s economic empowerment, including women’s entrepreneurship and economic welfare, in the context of post-pandemic socio-economic recovery and living in a new normal.

Under the theme of “Recover Together, Recover Stronger to Close Gender Gap”, the G20 MCWE was held in a hybrid format, and attended by the G20 MCWE member countries and special invitees.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press