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Cambodia Voices Support for Australia’s Proposal to Elevate its Relations with ASEAN

Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Prak Sokhonn, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia has welcomed Australia’s proposal to elevate its relations with ASEAN to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.
The Cambodian top diplomat voiced the support at the ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference (PMC) with Australia held yesterday via Videoconference.
H.E. Prak Sokhonn took the opportunity to thank Australia for actively contributing to regional integration and narrowing the development gaps in the region.
He also highlighted the significant support that Australia has provided in terms of human resource development.
According to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the PMC with Australia welcomed the progress of ASEAN-Australia Dialogue Relations which marked an important milestone last year with the agreement by both sides to annualise the ASEAN-Australia Summit.
In implementing the Plan of Action 2020-2024, both sides emphasised the importance of advancing cooperation on connectivity, particularly through the implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025, the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Workplan IV and the extended ASEAN-Australia Digital Standards Initiative.
ASEAN thanked Australia for its support towards enhancing region-wide access to vaccines and health security, including its financial pledge for the establishment of the ASEAN Centre for Public Health Emergencies and Emerging Diseases (ACPHEED) and the establishment of the ASEAN-Australia Health Security Initiative.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press