
Cambodian Athletes to Join Asian ITF Championships in India

Cambodian athletes will join the Asian ITF Championships 2024 in India in August.

The update was shared by Senior Minister H.E. Keo Remy, President of the Cambodian International Taekwondo Federation, in a Taekwondo competition in Phnom Penh recently.

Addressing the function, H.E. Keo Remy encouraged Cambodian taekwondo athletes to work hard in training to win medals at the upcoming event.

“We must commit to winning medals for the nation in the contest, not to being a punching bag for our opponent. We have to win and further build our reputation in Asia, as we did in 2018,” said the federation’s president.

In 2018, Cambodia was ranked 2nd in Asia at the Asian ITF Championships in Mongolia and stood at 18th rank among 90 participating countries across the world at the World ITF Championships in Bulgaria in 2019.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse