

Popular actress Lisdawati, who is currently in the Holy Land to perform the hajj pilgrimage, shares her spiritual journey after being selected as one of Malaysia’s 31,600 pilgrims this year.

When met by reporters here, Lisdawati, real name Nisdawati Nazaruddin, 45, shed tears of happiness and gratitude as she did not expect to be chosen as a dhuyufurrahman (guest of Allah) with her mother, Risda Chalidi, 67, for this year’s hajj season.

Realising her lack of religious knowledge, Lisdawati said she sought the help of a religious teacher to increase her knowledge, in order to obtain a Mabrur (accepted by Allah) hajj before departing for the Holy Land on May 22.

“I understand that as a servant of Allah, we need to return to Him. I have committed sins. I am seeking forgiveness from Allah and obtain a Mabrur hajj,” she said in tears.

She also asked several acquaintances who had performed the hajj to get an overview and advice on performing the pilgrimage, she added.

Asked if she will continue her career as an actress after this pilgrimage, she said that she will continue to earn a living in that field because it is her main source of income to support her family.

However, Lisdawati said she set conditions such as covering her aurat and maintaining boundaries as a Muslim in selecting a role to play.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency