
PM Hun Sen Pays Tribute to Cuban Hero José Martí at His Memorial

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sèn, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia led a high-level delegation to lay a wreath at the José Martí Memorial in Havana, the Republic of Cuba on Sept. 24 (Sept. 25 in Cambodia).
With a wreath inscribed in honour of late H.E José Martí, the Cambodian Prime Minister and his high-level delegation paid homage to late H.E. José Martí, a Cuban hero who has sacrificed his life in the cause of liberating his motherland from the enemy’s invasion until Cuba gained the independence, stability and development until today.
The respect to Cuban hero H.E. José Martí was made during the three-day official visit of Cambodian Prime Minster Hun Sen to Cuba.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press


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