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A Foreign Scholar Praises Cambodian PM for His Leadership

Mr. Joseph Matthews, a Pakistani senior university professor in Cambodia, has extended his congratulations to Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, on the occasion of his birthday.
“It is a privilege and an honour for me to extend my utmost sincerest congratulations to Samdech Techo on this auspicious occasion of his 69/70 Birthday,” he wrote in a Facebook message this morning.
According to Mr. Joseph Matthews, also a political commentator, some people born to be a leader, and some people are molded to become a leader. Samdech Techo, by innate, is a leader and he lives to be nothing but a leader undoubtedly.
“He has all qualities and characteristics that define him as an effective leader. For any given circumstance and adverse situation, the most important task of any leader is to make a quick, correct, and prudent decision. Samdech Techo is naturally gifted with extraordinary Decision-Making Skills,” he underlined.
“I am living in Cambodia for 20 years, and following Samdech Techo’s leadership with letter and spirit, and discovered and found out on many occasions his decision was RIGHT. Whether his decisions on border disputes with neighbours, Covid-19, Vaccination Campaign, or Signing of FTA with China all decisions were in the largest interests of the Nation, Correct and of course Prudent. I am herein Salute his Style of Leadership and pray for his excellent health, longevity, unfettered leadership, and intellectual capacity to continue to lead this country as long as he lives, so help him, God. Amen,” Mr. Joseph Matthews concluded.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press