Cambodia News Gazette



Closer Cooperation to Eliminate Human Trafficking Urged

Minister of Women’s Affairs has urged ministries, institutions and concerned stakeholders to continue close cooperation in eliminating human trafficking in Cambodia and the world.

The minister, H.E. Ing Kantha Phavi, who is also Vice President of the National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT) and Chair of the Technical Working Group on International Cooperation made the call in a workshop on “National Implementation of the 4th COMMIT Sub-Regional Plan of Actions (SPAIV) and 1st National Consultative Workshop on Development of Trans-National Referral Mechanism (TRM) here in Phnom Penh on June 14.

H.E. Ing Kantha Phavi underlined that COVID-19 pandemic to some extent stood as opportunities for the criminals.

The spread of COVID-19 makes unsolved problems more complicated and worse, especially human trafficking, the minister continued.

She also spoke highly of the good cooperation among ministries, institutions and other stakeholders on combating human trafficking, particularly to protect women and children.

The workshop intends to collect inputs from ministries, institutions and development partners to prepare for SPAIV and TRM that support the sustainable protection mechanism for victims’ rights across the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press