
Khmer Empire International Marathon: Beyond Sport

Khmer Empire International Marathon event on Aug. 7 at Siem Reap aims to attract tourists to the province and to raise funds for donations to social and charitable activities, including the support for children’s hospitals.
The objective was highlighted by H.E. Vath Chamroeun, Tourism Secretary of State and Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) in a press conference on July 27.
This event is not for profit and voluntary participation of all runners, both national and international, is meant to contribute to humanitarian activities, to benefit health, and to build friendship and solidarity.
Especially for this year, the running event was also intended to promote the sport spirit for Cambodia as the host of the 32nd SEA Games and the 12th ASEAN Para Games 2023, and Siem Reap will be the cycling and mountain biking site of the games, he added.
Over 2,000 runners have registered for the 7th Khmer Empire Marathon’s four disciplines: 42.195 km international standard marathon, 21 km half marathon, and 10 km and 3 km family recreation.
Thanking all registered runners, Mr. Sem Phalla, general manager for the event expressed his appreciation to see more and more Cambodians joining the event, starting with few when it first started to about half of the total runners in recent years.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press



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