
Over 20,000 Businesses Registered with Single Portal

More than 20,000 businesses with US$5.70 billion investment capital have been registered with the government’s single platform – Online Business Registration (OBR) – as of Dec. 12, 2022, according to a report from the OBR under the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Some 12,742 business names are in the stage of checking for approval, the report said, adding that two business names have been rejected.
The investment value by sector was led by construction US$971 million, followed by real estate US$701 million, management consultant activities US$293 million, manufacturing US$275 million, financial and insurance activities US$259 million, and others US$3.2 million.
Men-owned businesses accounted for 62 percent of the total registered businesses, the report pointed out.
The Royal Government launched the OBR platform, known as the Single Portal, in June 2022.
The first phase of OBR was launched in June last year. It covered business registration with the Commerce Ministry, tax registration and notification of the start of a new business at the Labour Ministry.
The second phase expands the scope to allow online applications for licences based on business activities, with specific ministries supervising the companies that fall under their remit.
Four ministries and institution are taking part in phase two: Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation; Ministry of Tourism; Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, and the Real Estate Business & Pawnshop Regulator of the Non-Bank Financial Services Authority.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press