COVID-19: Daily Cases Almost 1,000 for Three Consecutive Days

There are 948 new cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) reported in Cambodia this morning; bringing the tally to 53,298, the Ministry of Health announced in a press release.
According to the same source, among the new infections, 44 are imported, and the rest are community cases linked to the Feb. 20 outbreak.
Besides, the total number of recovered cases rose to 46,123 after 615 more patients have recovered from the pandemic.
But at the same time, 36 new deaths were registered; the death toll thus jumped to 696.
The first COVID-19 case was detected in Cambodia in late January 2020 in Preah Sihanouk province. The confirmed cases have surged quickly this year due to the Feb. 20 community outbreak.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

World’s Endangered Asiatic Black Bear and Asian Elephant Found in Cambodia

Endangered Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) listed in the IUCN red list of threatened species have been spotted in Cambodia’s forests.
The good news was shared recently by the Ministry of Environment, adding that the Asiatic black bears and the Asian elephants are present in the protected areas in the northeastern, eastern, northern and southwestern of Cambodia.
The researchers from the Ministry of Environment found them in Cambodian wildlife sanctuaries through camera traps between March and May 2021.
H.E. Neth Pheaktra, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Environment said that the presence of rare wild animal species in Cambodia is a good news.
Reportedly, the extinction of the Asiatic black bears and Asian elephants was threatened by habitat loss and poaching for illegal trade of their skin, toenails, gallstones, ivory and captivity.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

Sweden to Continue Cooperation with Cambodia Despite Closure of Embassy in Phnom Penh

Sweden has pledged to continue cooperation with Cambodia especially in trade, tourism, higher education and research despite closure of its embassy in Cambodia.
The pledge was made by H.E. Bjorn Haggmark, outgoing Ambassador of Sweden to Cambodia, during his farewell meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Samdech Kralahom Sar Kheng here in Phnom Penh recently.
The diplomat informed Samdech Sar Kheng that the closure of Swedish Embassy in Cambodia in the coming December was due to some reform by his government.
However, he continued, the diplomatic affairs between Cambodia and Sweden will be carried out through Swedish Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand.
Samdech Sar Kheng said that Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is examining and working on the Sweden’s request for the establishment of honorary consulate in Cambodia.
He also asked Sweden to continue the cooperation with Cambodia on police law enforcement and the fight against transnational crimes including cybercrimes, drugs and counter-terrorism.
H.E. Bjorn Haggmark promised to bring the deputy prime minister’s request for a discussion with his government.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

UNAIDS Appreciates Support from National AIDS Authority

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) has expressed its appreciation and acknowledgement of the National AIDS Authority (NAA) of Cambodia.
“I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the National AIDS Authority for the remarkable collaboration and partnership in the past four years,” wrote outgoing Dr. Vladanka Andreeva, Country Director of UNAIDS Office in Cambodia in a recent letter to H.E. Ieng Mouly, Senior Minister, Chair of NAA.
For decades, she continued, Cambodia has acclaimed the reputation of being a trailblaser in HIV response; an undefeatable champion in innovation; a trendsetter in community engagement and people centred approaches.
“Under Your leadership, and in close partnership with civil society, Cambodia set the historical milestones of being one of the first countries globally to achieve 90-90-90 targets in 2017; and being the first to develop the Sustainability Roadmap and Transition Readiness Assessment in the region,” she added.
UNAIDS will continue to closely work with the NAA in supporting Cambodia to end AIDS as public health threat by 2030, Dr. Vladanka Andreeva underlined.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

Korea Provides Over US$ 9 Million to Support Cambodia’s Mine Clearance Efforts

The Republic of Korea through the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has provided US$9.2 million for mine clearance activities in Cambodia for 2020-2025.
The financial support was highlighted by Ms. Ji Yea Kyung, Assistant Country Director of KOICA Cambodia Office, in a board meeting of Clearing for Results for Results Phase IV (CFR-4) held here recently via Videoconference under the presidency of Cambodian Senior Minister and First Vice President of Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA).
According to Ms. Ji Yea Kyung, the fund will be used to increase mine clearance activities, boost victim assistance and education on mine risks, CMAA’s capacity building, gender mainstreaming in mine sector, and so on.
H.E. Ly Thuch expressed his gratitude to KOICA, and other donors for their support, both financial and technical, for the implementation of the National Mine Action Strategy 2018-2025, and for the success of the Clearing for Results-Phase 4 (CFR-IV) Project from 2020-2025.
KOICA, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Australia, New Zealand, and the donor community have lauded Cambodia’s commitment to achieving its goal of becoming a mine-free nation by 2025.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press